During 2017-2023, Uzbekistan’s foreign trade increased 2.4 times
2024-12-22 314Uzbekistan is implementing measures aimed at liberalizing the economy and enhancing the competitiveness of export-oriented sectors. Within the framework of the "Uzbekistan-2030" Strategy, particular attention is paid to improving the country’s foreign economic activities and expanding international cooperation.
By 2030, Uzbekistan plans to export 10-15 billion kWh of electricity to Europe
2024-12-19 358In the modern history of the Republic of Uzbekistan, starting from 2016, as in all sectors of the economy, fundamental reforms have also been carried out in the energy sector. The essence of the reforms in the energy industry lies in deep structural transformations, modernization, and diversification.
Judicial reform in New Uzbekistan: On whom do judges depend?
2024-12-19 305Ensuring the rule of law and further reform of the judicial and legal system are the second priority area of the Strategy “Uzbekistan – 2030” and provide for the independence of the judiciary, a guarantee of reliable protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, and strengthening the rule of law in the judicial and legal system.
How Uzbekistan implements foreign experience in the system of Presidential educational institutions
2024-12-19 230In Uzbekistan the attitude towards education and upbringing, science has completely changed. In particular, systematic, consistent and comprehensive measures are being implemented to develop preschool, general secondary and higher education, research institutions. A number of important decrees, resolutions and programs are being adopted in this direction.
Tourism is the future of New Uzbekistan's economy
2024-12-19 213The Republic of Uzbekistan, with its rich and diverse cultural and natural heritage, has every opportunity to become one of the key players in the global tourism market. In recent years, the Government of Uzbekistan has been taking bold efforts on the development of the tourism industry, recognizing its essential role in the national economy.
Uzbekistan: Development of Culture – A Key Tool for Preserving National Identity
2024-12-19 219Culture and art are the foundation of civilization, national identity, and spiritual perfection, as well as important indicators of a country’s progress. The development of these spheres, reflecting the spiritual growth of the people, their past, present, and future, requires an approach that meets the demands of the times. This is why the reforms aimed at the development of culture and art in Uzbekistan carry profound meaning and are entering a new phase.
Uzbekistan is developing a program “From Poverty to Prosperity”
2024-12-16 359In recent years, Uzbekistan has achieved remarkable success in reducing poverty through a targeted government policy focused on improving the living conditions of its citizens in a comprehensive manner. The country's policy involves a strategic combination of economic reforms, social support and improvements in public services.
How New Uzbekistan reduces state participation in the economy
2024-12-16 262A number of crucial institutional reforms have been introduced in last five years to further modernize and enhance Uzbekistan’s economic and competition policies.
After a comparative study of international best practices, Uzbekistan has implemented a “Yellow Pages Rule” to decrease the extent of the state’s presence in the economy. Under the Rule, it is prohibited to establish a state-owned enterprise (SOE) if at least 5 private-sector entities are already established and operating within the relevant industry.
Lawmaking in Uzbekistan is based on international experience and national practice
2024-12-16 284Currently, as our state's development has entered a new stage, large-scale reforms are being implemented to modernize all spheres of public life and build a rule-of-law state. In this process, legislative activity is acquiring special relevance and becoming an important factor in the effectiveness of public administration.